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About Linda Jane

During the workshop we were asked to practise active listening. Our job was to take it in turns to listen to each other for 5 minutes without interruption and then repeat back what we had heard. I thought, 'great, this is my opportunity to be heard'. I said to my boyfriend, “My issue with you is, you get defensive and I never get to fin..….,” when he interrupted me with “I’m not defensive!” 

I have since moved on from that relationship and continued on my journey. Along the way I have identified that my number one human need is growth. My thirst for self-knowledge led me to want to learn how to communicate better and this has been my passion and profession ever since. 


I have been a practicing therapist and Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner for over 20 years, working with individuals and couples to improve their relationships. It wasn't until being introduced to NLP techniques that I was able to bring my unconscious values into alignment with what I truly wanted in life. This was nothing short of profound.  


It’s cliché to say I’m passionate but wow…… the fire that burns in me, is strong.  


I have chosen to put this energy into helping others avoid unnecessary family breakups or at the very least to provide couples with resourceful communication strategies that can help them navigate their way through separation while protecting their most important assets - their children. 


It should be said that before I moved on from my ‘not defensive’ boyfriend, I married him. We had two gorgeous children but ultimately, we parted ways. 


As a single parent, one coping strategy I shared with my kids was to read a poster that hung above our kitchen table. The words of the poster begin “As I grow…”, as if a child is speaking to a parent. I read it to give me the strength to continue, as it reminded me that it wasn’t about me - it was about them.  


As I Grow



Understand that I am growing up and changing very fast. It must be difficult to keep pace with me but please try. 

Listen to me and give me brief, clear answers to my questions. Then I will keep sharing my thoughts and feelings. 

Pay attention to me and spend time with me. Then I can believe that I am important and worthwhile. 

Do the things you want me to do. Then I have a good positive role model. 

Compliment and appreciate me. Then I will feel good and want to continue to please you. 

Be an individual and create your own happiness. Then you can teach me the same and I can live a happy, successful and fulfilling life.   

Thank you for hearing me….. I love you. 


I didn’t know it at the time, but I was practising an NLP technique called anchoring. Once I learned about the power of NLP, I felt a deep sense of being anchored into my unconscious and I found undertaking these daily practises became easier and easier.  


I began to wonder if these techniques could be developed and applied to relationships? I realised that the poster that still hangs on my kitchen wall.  Seven of the practices, that when practised daily can have an immediate impact on the happiness of a relationship. 


From this understanding the 7 Practices of Highly Successful Relationships was created.  

Download 7 Practices of Highly Successful Relationships


My programs are based on modern psychological principles and provide strategic intervention and planning tools, transformational psychology, spirituality, habit change and practical wisdom. 


My journey of self-discovery has led me to want to share all that I have learned with a wider audience. So, if you are interested not just in healing your relationships but in strategically planning for a better future with those you love then please book a chat below to get in touch.  


For more about Linda's professional life, clck here

Why I am passionate about empowering relationships

I grew up in a single parent household, and was a child of an affair. I feel like I have been on a journey of self-discovery my whole life and particularly through my intimate relationships.

When I was in my twenties I was living with my boyfriend. We argued a lot, sometimes into the early hours of the morning. We weren’t very good at listening to each other. I got tired of the merry-go-round and I set out to find a course that might help us. He agreed to give it a try and we attended a couple’s communication workshop together. This was my first introduction to the benefits of relationship workshops and couples’ therapy. 

Linda Jane

I have since completed this course to which the 6 Humans Needs are fundamental.  I have developed a 3 day program using cutting edge psychology, strategic intervention tools, planning, transformational science, spirituality, habit change, and practical wisdom.

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