Is your current relationship suffering?
You may think that passion naturally fades, or that there isn’t a person for everyone.
This just isn’t true.
Lasting, passionate love isn’t something you find out of luck — it’s something you create.
Redesign your relationship 90 day program
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
As in the business world, so in the relationship world; a realistic assessment of where you are at is key.
One of the most important building blocks to success in a committed relationship is emotional intelligence.
Take the FREE emotional intelligence
quiz to learn about this key component of your relationship.
It's surprising how many business owners have a clear vision of what they want out of their business but don’t have a clear vision of the kind of relationship they want.
Your relationship vision is the shared declaration, created and agreed upon, that guides your shared principles, goals and values.
Strategic Plan
"Redesign your relationship" program customises a strategic plan specific to your relationship mission and goals to give you measurable results in 90 days
Answering the following super simple questions will help me get a grasp of your relationship concerns and where you want to be..
We'll talk about the possibilities for
your relationship and the next steps
you can take.
Greg Harding
The Alternative Board Director
Being in business with your life partner can take a toll on your relationship.
Linda is bursting with passion for helping couples in business fulfill their personal relationship goals just as much as their business goals.
Her 'Seven practices of highly successful relationships' are beautifully simple yet so powerful
I have no hesitation in recommending Linda and her relationship programs.
You don't have to go it alone. Contact us for a no-obligation chat.