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Creating the relationship vision provides a new experience


It will help you:

•Learn a new way to talk and listen through the intentional dialogue process.

•Uncover the unconscious wishes and identify a way to measure your progress.

•Shift your focus away from the past (blame), and towards a new future (hope). 

•Cocreate shared meaning. 

•Define differences, which you will come to realise, are okay.

•Become intentional – align with your vision, rather than reacting to the moment.

•Foster curiosity through the why’s that are inferred throughout the steps.

•Move away from judgement, and of the self, towards being inquisitive.

A Shared Vision


    Communication expert

    Linda Jane

    My programs are based on modern psychological principles and provide strategic intervention and planning tools, transformational psychology, spirituality, habit change and practical wisdom. 


    My journey of self-discovery has led me to want to share all that I have learned with a wider audience.

    For more about Linda's professional life, clck here

    So, if you are interested not just in healing your relationships but in strategically planning for a better future with those you love then please book a chat below to get in touch.  

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